Boost Mythic+ in World of Warcraft

February 3, 2022


Dungeons in this game have several levels of difficulty: from Normal to Mythic+. Mythic+ was first introduced in Legion as a hybrid of the Arena of Trials and timed trials with the additional layer of difficulty added by a new mechanic – affixes.

As a reward for beating dungeons in M+, you can get various rewards that depend on the level of the key and your speed.

To activate the Mythic+ mode, you must complete the challenge on Mythic (non-plus) difficulty. At the start of each dungeon is a chalice that requires a corresponding key (each dungeon requires a specific key) that displays the dungeon’s level and current affixes. The key is dropped from the end-of-dungeon chests which you gain access to after beating the last boss, or out of the weekly chest. At the end of the Mythic+ run, the key used changes its level (from level change by -1 to level change by +3), and also changes its binding to another dungeon (with a small probability it may not change its binding to dungeons and be tied to the same dungeon it was linked before).

General information about affixes

Affixes are challenge modifiers that add specific mechanics or buff certain enemies. The higher the level of the dungeon, the more affixes are available. Up to 4 affixes can be active at the same time, and all affixes except the seasonal affix change every week.

Seasonal affix

Appears only at level 10 of the dungeon and changes every season.

Mythic+ – List of dungeons

  • The Necrotic Wake.
  • Plaguefall.
  • Mists of Tirna Scithe.
  • Halls of Atonement.
  • De Other Side.
  • Sanguine Depths.
  • Spires of Ascension.
  • Theater of Pain.

Mythic+ Boost

Boosting in World of Warcraft appeared a long time ago, at the dawn of the game, and now boost is an integral part of World of Warcraft. It consists of the fact that other, more experienced players help you with various WoW dungeons that you can’t master.

Boosting can be bought on various sites on the Internet, but be careful, because it’s in the gray area of what’s allowed in the game and the developers sometimes take action against players that make use of boosting services.

It works like any internet purchase: you place an order on the site, wait for a representative of the website to contact you, and clarify the details and a convenient time to start the order.

You can either transfer your account credentials to a player who will log into your account at the specified time and complete the task or play along with boosters who will invite you to the dungeon at a convenient time and beat it with you. The result is all but guaranteed in both cases: you just need to wait until the deed is done, and collect the reward.

The second way is slightly riskier, though, as transferring the control of an account to third parties is against the Terms of Service of the game and may result in action against the account.

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